My work is shot through with musical references but there is also a bit of traffic in the other direction. Here are some musical projects which directly reference the RS universe, to one degree or another:

“Ultranaut is a two piece progressive rock band from Ottawa, ON. Their music is heavily influenced by science-fiction and their debut EP is a concept record set in the universe of Revelation Space.”

Whether they’re still active is unclear, but Chasm City Blues is or was a gigging band in the Sydney area:

Over in Japan, noise-rockers Mainliner (an offshot of psychedelicists Acid Mothers temple) entitled their recent album “Revelation Space”:

Meanwhile, continuing the Japanese theme, Vistlip, a 5-member “visual kei” rock band also entitled their 2011 concert DVD “Revelation Space”. I’ve no idea what to make of this – perhaps I could have found out more when I was in Japan – but I didn’t know about either Mainliner or Vistlip then.